The billing and mailing address is the same for all three locations:
ASAP Program
2530 S. Alma School Rd
Mesa, AZ 85210
There is one dedicated fax number for all ASAP staff and all three IOP sites:
Fax (480) 704-5550
There is one dedicated phone number for
admissions for all three IOP sites:
phone: (602) 434-0249
phone open Mon-Fri 9am to 9pm
Key ASAP Staff:

Stefanie Nader, M.S. Administrator
phone: (602) 434-0249
e-mail: stefanienader@asapaz.com
Dr. Tyler Davis, Clinical Director
phone: (602) 434-0249
e-mail: tylerdavis@asapaz.com
Sue Yoder, Insurance Coordinator
phone: (480) 712-9982
e-mail: sueyoder@asapaz.com
Dr. Curtis Walling, Clinical Director
phone: (602) 434-0249
e-mail: curtiswalling@asapaz.com